Since I recently tried my skills at the brain cap, using patterns from a "sticker album" from Augsburg and the clay figurines of the hafnerfamily Rommel-both late 18th century - I now feel tempted, using the same sources, to reconstruct another kind of cap. the so called Judenhaube (jewish cap) has the special pointed front in common with the brain cap. Here you can find a nice collection of details and informations about the cap, so I don't think I have to write all this again.
Sadly I am not aware if there is any surviving original from the 18th century, so I have to work from the pictures allone.
Dies sind einige Beispiele aus dem Augsburger Klebealbum. Leider sind darin die Hauben nicht von hinten, sondern nur in Dreiviertelansicht zu sehen. Alle drei Hauben zeigen unterschiedlich reichen Putz aus Goldborte, Spitze und/oder Stickerei. Die erste ist offensichtlich aus gemusterten Seidenbrokat gefertigt, der mit Goldspitze verbrämt wurde. Allen gemeinsam ist die Garnitur mit Spitzen, die um die Biegung der Ohren herum gefältelt sind und über der Stirn glatt liegen. In den Stirnwinkeln bilden sie charakteristische Ecken.
Those are some examples from the Augsburger sticker album. Sadly the caps aren't shown from behind, only in 3/4 view. All tree caps show differently rich decorations of gold trim, lace and embroidery. The first one is obviously made of patternd silk brocade and trimmed with gold trim.
All have the decorative lace in common which are frilled a bit around the ears but lays flat on the top.
In the Brow angles they form the characteristic corners.
Diese finden wir auch bei den Ulmer Tonfigürchen und auf einem Frauenporträt des späten 18. Jhs. im Heimatmuseum in Mindelheim.
Über den Aufbau der Hauben, war und bin ich mir nicht sicher. Da aber die meisten Frauenhauben in dieser Zeit aus Sattel und Boden konstruiert sind, habe ich mich für diese Variante entschieden. Es kann aber genauso gut sein, dass die schwäbischen Hauben aus zwei gleichen mit einer Scheitelnaht verbundenen Teilen aufgebaut sind - das probiere ich demnächst einmal aus.
Tose we also find with the clay figurines from Ulm and on a portrait of a woman from the late 18.c on display at the Heimatmuseum Mindelheim.
I was not, and still am not sure about the construction of the cap. But since the most female caps from this time are constructed with a saddle and a bottom, I decided on this way of construction. It is also entirely possible that this swabian caps are made of 2 identical parts joined by a crest seam. - I'll try that next

For my first try I used a piece of ols silk lampas, which I once got as a gift from a dear friend. pieceing together it just about was enough. For the decorations I took a wide gold trim wich i fastened with smapp stitches around the shape of the saddle.

To make the cap keep it's shape I enforced it with a sturdy linnen inlet. a blue print cotton fabric came to use as the lining wich i fastened with a seams stitch at the edge.

A band of old tull lace from my fund was just enough for the decoration. I've sewn it to a piece of linnen and loosely stitched it to the cap so it can soak up the sweat from the brow and is also easy to remove to clean. Of course the cap itself is not washable.

I cut the bottom of the cap I cut in a fashion that the flower pattern is in full view. The curve is folded in and on the lower end there'S a tunnel for a silk ribbon.
Ganz zufrieden bin ich mit dem Ergebnis noch nicht, aber die Haube putzt ungemein und wirkt durch die Verwendung alter Materialien recht authentisch.
I am not entirely satisfied with the outcome, yet. But the cap suits me well and has an authentic flair with the materials.
I am not entirely satisfied with the outcome, yet. But the cap suits me well and has an authentic flair with the materials. (May 2012)